Eva Ísleifs b. 1982 lives and works in Reykjavík, Iceland and Athens, Greece. She graduated with a BA in Fine Arts from the Art Academy of Iceland 2008 and with a Master's degree in Sculpture from Edinburgh College of Art 2010.

Her work has been showed in Europe, Canada and Scandinavia.  Recent exhibition are HIC SVNT DRACONES, Galleri Kverk, Reykjavik. Iceland. Dialectic Bubble in Listval 2022, Iðavellir in the Reykjavik Art Museum 2021 and the exhibition project Head 2 Head in Athens Greece 2021. Looking for Proxies at Gallery Port Iceland 2019, Dialectic Bubble Ltd Ink Corporation 2019 Scotland, The Wheel 2018, Sculpture Association of Reykjavik, Noway Different at A - DASH in Athens 2017, Embody Museum of Gerður Helgadóttir in Kóparvogur Iceland 2018, The thing is at Skaftfell 2017 and Sculpture Sculpture Museum of Gerður Helgadóttir Iceland 2016.

Eva works on numerous exhibition project in collaboration with others, she co-founded the project Staðir / Places Biennale in the West of Iceland with Þ.Olafsdottur, curating HEAD to HEAD an bilateral project between Iceland and Greece, curated the Exhibition of Lost Artworks in Museum in Akranes 2014 and Beyond Human Impulses in Athens and Reykjavik 2018. It´s the Media Not You! With R. McMahon and K. Inga Jónsd. Hjördísard 2019.

Currently she runs A - DASH with Zoe Hatzyiannaki and Christina Petkopoulou in Athens. A - DASH is a contemporary art platform based in Athens Greece. Initiating collaborations with art practitioners from various disciplines and places in the world. A - DASH aims to promote artistic production, collective practice and research. It functions as a connector for artists, curators, writers, designers and practices around interdisciplinarity, feminist and collective approach and most definitely sharing.

Founded by artists in 2016 as a residency in the centre of Athens, A - DASH brought together artists and art practitioners. A - DASH remains a connector that works nomadically and inhabits various spaces in the physical and the digital realm.