Exiting with an exit sign
Performance. London. UK

Hmmm yesss...that ́s it...stating the obvious, repetitively and humiliating the definition of leaving. Of course using the sign, signalling within the action, repetitively. Repetition is connected with
memorisation, this performance OVERhypes the act of leaving, with the use of the exit sign. Visualising the power of leaving and leaving again. An exit sign in a space is a messages to the people that use the space; Here you can exit. The performance is conceived from looking at the images of the space that Polly sent me. Bricks, desks, blue doors, concrete, hallways, clock and chairs. It ́s a people space. Everything inside the space is used, the chair, the table, everything is somewhat an extension of a person. The person enters and goes from one space to another, a sort of extension of a space within the space.

Instruction for a performance:
Installing instructions; The sign needs to be printed out, can be printed on foam or any hard surface. And installed by the door, the action is a person walking out with the sign under the arm. Preferable 5 times a day, depending of the person. A whole day would be great.

When the person is not walking out the door with the sign under the arm the sign can be by the door.

Performer: Calvin Laing 
Curated by: Polly Wright
Artlicks weekend. London.